Things Gassy People Like

21 Jul

1.  Opening a window

2.  Having a dog around to blame it on

3.  Lighting it on fire (depending on the company)

4.  Being outside

5.  Hoping someone else says something so that they can play the old “He who smelt it, dealt it” card

6.  Gas-X

7.  Beano

8.  Sitting in the pool/tub

9.  Eating a little less fiber

10.  Excusing themselves from the table

11.  Loosening their pants

12.  Lighting a match

13.  Just letting one rip

Something we missed?  Let us know in the comments section.

Things Old People Like:

16 Jul

1. Butterscotch candy

2. Grandchildren

3. Naps

4. Driving slowly

5. Early dinner

6. Shuffleboard

7. Florida

8. The good old days

9. High-waisted pants

10. Writing checks

11. Bingo

12. Generic prescription drugs

13. Velcro shoes

14. Golf

15. Wheel of Fortune

 Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments!

Things Cheap People Like:

9 Jul

1.  Two-for-ones

2.  Coupons

3.  Top Ramen

4.  All-you-can-eat

5.  Waiting for the DVD

6.  Goodwill

7.  Southwest Airlines

8.  The supermarket brand

9.  Going Dutch

10.  Torrenting

11.  Happy hour

12.  Parking a little farther away

13.  Leftovers

14.  “Creative” dates

15.  When someone else is buying

Did we miss something?  Let us know in the comments section!

Things full people like

8 Jul

1.  Unfastening their belts

2.  A good long sigh

3.  Napping through the rest of the game

4.  Pepto Bismol

5.  Burping

6.  Talking about restarting their diet

7.  A cigarette

8.  Barfing

9.  A nice cup of tea

10.  Folksy, home-spun remedies for indigestion

11.  Pooping

12.  Passing on dessert

13.  Sweatpants

Something we forgot?  Let us know in the comments section.

Things Sleepy People Like:

30 Jun

1.  A cool breeze

2.  Boring movies

3.  A few hours to kill

4.  Pillows

5.  Warm milk

6.  White noise

7.  Counting sheep

8.  Chamomile tea

9.  Pajamas

10.  Coffee (depending on what they have to do later)

11.  Their bed

12.  Someone else’s bed

13.  Lullabies

14.  Yawning

15.  “Just resting their eyes”

Did we miss something?  Let us know in the comments section!

Things Tall People Like:

29 Jun

very tall man

1. Dunking basketballs

2. The front seat

3. The last row at the movies

4. The top shelf

5. Casual Male XL

6. Girls in heels

7. Big shoes (usually)

8. The emergency exit row

9. High-ceiling, loft-style apartments

10. Slouching

11. Jokes about “the weather up there”

12. Complaining about back pain

13. Abraham Lincoln

14. The circus (so they can be with the rest of the freaks!)

Something we forgot? Let us know in the comments section!